
10 Free & Easy Ways to Help Grow My Blog in 10 Days

Help me Grow my blog

I have a goal to double my blog visitors in 10 days and would like your help to grow my blog. I started Olive Sunshine on June 22, 2020. Unfortunately, after seven great days of analytical movement on Google, my site inadvertently got disconnected from Google Analytics. I lost all my traffic data for about 10 days (so did Google). This means I have been reporting to Google consistently for about a month. In that time, I have had over 735 unique visitors. Approximately 20% of my visitors have returned to my site. 

My visitor traffic is neither good nor bad – it is what it is in the world of blogging. Each blog is unique and there is not a prescribed amount of visitors I should have at this time. But I am asking for your help so I can work smart as I am already working hard. With your help, I would like to double my visitors in the next 10 days. If you are interested in how to help Olive Sunshine, or your own blog for that matter, continue reading to learn 10 Free & Easy Ways to Help Grow My Blog in 10 Days.

Why am I Blogging?

I stated blogging to share my passion for the Mediterranean Diet. It is no longer necessary to deny myself food I enjoy and feel hungry to maintain my goal weight. It is such a bonus to know I am helping my Sweetheart be healthier and he enjoys the food. When we started this journey, I did not realize the vastness of the process of blogging, nor do I mind. Learning has always been exciting for me and I am grateful for the opportunity to continue to grow.

Google Controls My Blog’s Domain Authority

I would love for my content to be utilized on Google’s search engines. Domain authority is established when you have enough traffic to your blog (and strong SEO scores). When a blog has a strong domain authority Google will send traffic to your blog. My domain authority, which is currently non-existent, will not grow unless I have more people engaging with my site. Once I have a domain authority, then Google will help me grow my blog traffic! From what my research has told me, I need about 200 people visiting my site daily in my niche market to even get noticed by Google.

I now know why so many people begin blogs, but do not maintain them. I used to believe it was because it is time-consuming and challenging to keep up with the content. Yes, that is true – but that is the fun part. Now I realize it is because it is difficult to bring in readers. Olive Sunshine is still a new blog, and I am still enjoying my efforts. I want to keep it that way, and that is why I am asking you, my friends and family for help. Here are 10 Free and Easy Ways to Help Me Grow My Blog in 10 Days.

10 Free and Easy Ways to Help Grow My Blog

  1. Visit Olive Sunshine and be a repeat visitor to my blog. I am committed to adding content at least twice a week, so stop by and check it out.
  2. Re-post on Social Media. Share one of your favorite Olive Sunshine recipes or blogs onto your social media. It is great to do this from Facebook, but even better to do it directly from the Blog itself. Why? Google sees that as even stronger engagement than just reading.
  3. Join my Olive Sunshine Facebook by liking it and then click through the new articles I post when cruising through Facebook.
  4. Share your email. Sign up to be part of the Olive Sunshine Community by providing your email. I was so shocked and surprised to see after only two weeks, I had 42 readers sign up!!! There will be no junk email. I promise to send only thoughtful emails. I am hoping eventually to get a newsletter to mail out. (Writing this statement makes me laugh-out-loud.) 
  5. Make a comment on the Olive Sunshine Blog. Not only does that encourage other readers to read the post, but Google knows! I have had people I do not know that well run into me and share they made my Greek Style Tuna with Roasted Lemon Potatoes or Sweet Potatoes with Roasted Chickpeas. I loved learning people used my recipes! If you were to come back and add the comment to the blog, you would be lending your credibility to me.
  6. Like or make comments on the Olive Sunshine Facebook page. I can see how many people interact with my site, but my readers do not and some people are such followers!!!! So easy to hit that little like (or even love) button.
  7. Click on links on my page (external or internal). Google measures these clicks, and it helps my lower bounce rate which measures engagement. The lower the bounce rate the better and my bounce rate is pretty strong for a blogger. Once on my page, people tend to click through the entire article or click through to another article. This was really affirming news for me.
  8. Invite your friends. This is the biggest ask of all. Please invite 5-10 friends who you believe would like the content on my blog to the Olive Sunshine Facebook page. You can do it directly from my Olive Sunshine Facebook page, scroll down and you will see Facebook ask you to invite your friends. It is best to select friends who you believe would enjoy the content on Olive Sunshine. My brothers had no choice but to like my page – it does not mean they read it 😊.
  9. Add a link to your phone or tablet for direct blog visits. Picture this, it is Saturday morning and you are lounging in your PJs with a steaming cup of coffee. You click on Olive Sunshine and check out a recipe before you turn on your favorite cooking show. Five minutes of your time could really help a new blogger out! It can also spare you scrolling through the current divisiveness of Facebook. Adding Olive Sunshine to your iPhone or tablet is easy to do. Go to the website hit the box with the arrow pointing upward. Scroll down and select add on home screen. Viola you will have a handy app to my blog for easy access! Google also measures direct visits to my blog differently than from social media.
  10. Visit my other social media sites and follow those too. This is my last suggestion as I have work to do in this area. Not as versed in the other platforms as I am in my favorite Facebook, I have committed myself to posting pins more frequently on Pinterest. I need one of my nieces to teach me the ins and outs of Instagram. Rest assured I will catch up!
Click on links on my page (external or internal). Do you want to practice clicking around? Are you still thinking of that Tuna I mentioned? This would be a great time to check out the recipe. See how easy it is to click around?

Creating and maintaining a blog has been an eye-opening experience. Blogging is about so much more than sharing my experience with the Mediterranean Diet. Daily I am learning new things. This is not a race. I do want to be successful and do my best. I am growing as a blogger.

Asking for help for myself is different for me. If you have known many any length of time you know I not afraid to ask. Usually I am asking for help or money for other people, charities, friends, my students, school community or support for a local political candidate I am supporting. I am tenacious and rarely afraid to ask because I am not afraid of the receive a no. The good news is, I will not know if you read this blog (unless you make a comment or share it) so there is not a “no” involved. If you do want to help me grow Olive Sunshine, I will be able to see your efforts. If everyone who reads this blog just did one of the above suggestions it would help exponentially.

I appreciate my Olive Sunshine readers. Check out the recipes that are the Olive Sunshine favorites!

P.S. I hope these suggestions will help all the new bloggers out there grow their blogs in 10 days. If you want to know your domain authority you can find out free at Keep writing and do not be afraid to ask for help to grow my (or your) blog!

    • Janet
    • August 21, 2020

    Great ideas. I’ll try to help.

      • Sunny
      • August 21, 2020

      Thanks Janet!!!

    • Robert Booker
    • August 22, 2020

    Interesting, blogging is hard work. I tried it a couple of years ago. Maybe it was my subject matter or maybe I did not push hard enough. What ever the reason it did not grow.

    • Todd Bracey
    • August 29, 2020

    I plan on trying some of these recipes

      • Sunny
      • August 29, 2020

      Thanks Todd! Let me know how they turn out.

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