
8 Easy Tips – Road Trip Eating on the Mediterranean Diet

8 easy tips for eating on a road trip on the Mediterranean diet

Are you going on a Road Trip? These 8 tips for road trip eating while on Mediterranean Diet will keep you feeling happy and healthy when you are away from home.

8 Easy Tips - Road Trip Eating on the Mediterranean Diet

One of the delights of the American way of life is the open road. The ability to get in the car and set out for an adventure is a cherished way of life. Whether it is to travel two counties over, or four states, it is easy to take to the open road. As a way of life, road trips have been made easy for the consumer. Rest areas are often outfitted with not one, but four or five choices of restaurants in each location. You want fried chicken; the kids want pizza? Just stand in different lines. Don’t forget the sugary donuts and calorie-laden coffees to grab on the way out. Hotel chains are conveniently located right off the exit with in-house restaurant and bar food available until closing. If you have been on the Mediterranean Diet for even 30 days, two days of simply picking up food will probably leave you feeling out-of-sorts.

Obviously, it is only natural to splurge a bit if on a vacation, but food of convenience is not exactly memorable – or worth it! I hate to start my adventure feeling heavy and sluggish. It is far better to save those “special occasion” foods found on the top of the Mediterranean Diet pyramid for something meaningful. When you are heading on a road trip, these 8 easy tips make eating on the road healthy and fun!

Tip # 1

Bring a cooler. This is not an earth-shattering tip. In fact, it is something I remember always doing in the 1970s when we were on road trips. Bringing a cooler is just not the norm anymore. But it should be. Even if your road trip is only one way you can still bring a cooler. Maybe you will be getting on a cruise ship or plane after the road trip, buy an inexpensive cooler you do not mind leaving behind. Leave it at Goodwill or give it to a friend before the next leg of the trip. The cost will be cheaper than eating out for every meal. Having a cooler gives you control of the “fast options” you have on the road.

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