
9 Recipes Your Husband Will Love on the Mediterranean Diet:

Fresh Caprese Salad - Mozzarella, Tomatoes and Basil - Part of the Mediterranean Diet

If you are reading this blog, you probably want to be healthier and are wondering if your husband will love (or even like) the Mediterranean Diet. I feel confident he will love it. If you are starting the Mediterranean Diet, these 9 recipes will ensure a positive start.

For most woman I know it seems easier for the men in our lives to lose weight. Seriously, they can drink one less soda a week and magically lose 15 pounds. Maybe because it is easier, some men seem resistant to dieting. It is challenging to adopt a new way of eating if your family is not going to join and enjoy it. No one wants to be stuck preparing two different meals on our quest to eating better. The good news is the Mediterranean way of eating is a diet your husband, and even your children, will love!

Why I Know Your Husband Will Love the Mediterranean Diet

I did extensive research before I wrote this blog post. I asked my Sweetheart, Mark if he likes the Mediterranean Diet. Yes, I am just kidding. Not about asking him, I do realize that is not “serious” research. On a serious note, my husband a) loves me to cook for him and b) does not want to be on a diet. When we decided to do the Mediterranean Diet, he discovered quickly that he loved this way of eating. He tells everyone this is not a diet it is how we live.

9 Recipes Your Husband Will Love

As part of my “extensive research”, my Sweetheart, Mark selected his 9 favorite Olive Sunshine recipes. It was sweet of him to help me. He did say he felt badly for the other Olive Sunshine recipes because he loves them all. I am not sure if that is 100 percent true or he is being extra sweet because it my birthday weekend, but it made me happy! One of my favorite aspects of the Mediterranean Diet is preparing meals for those I love.

9 Recipes Your Husband Will Love on the Mediterranean Diet

#1 – Bucatini Pasta Pomodoro with Shrimp

Bucatini Pasta Pomodoro with Shrimp 9 recipes on the Mediterranean Diet
Bucatini Shrimp Pomodoro

Bucatini Shrimp Pomodoro is an excellent recipe to kick off your Mediterranean Diet journey. This number one recipe on the 9 Recipes Your Husband Will Love on the Mediterranean Diet is super simple to make. Bucatini Shrimp Pomodoro is fresh and delicious. This simple recipe has seven ingredients and it perfect for a family. My Sweetheart is not the only one who loves this recipe more than 2300 Olive Sunshine readers agree!

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