
12 Mediterranean Diet Breakfasts: Unique and Delicious Ideas

Cold Smoked Salmon Breakfast Sandwich 12 recipes Mediterranean Diet your husband will love

Olive Sunshine has created 12 Mediterranean Diet Breakfast. Ideas that are unique and delicious. A common question I read from beginners of the Mediterranean Diet is “what can I have for breakfast”? Popular breakfasts on the typical American Diet includes sugary cereals, breads, and pastries, processed meats, greasy fast-food sandwiches and eggs. It is little wonder why newbies to this way of eating wonder what can I eat for breakfast?

It is important to realize, not all of your favorite breakfast foods are off limits. Yes, you can have eggs! When considering the Mediterranean Diet food pyramid eggs are perfectly allowable. Just be sure to plan ahead. Yes, eggs are higher on the pyramid which means you should have moderate portions and limited how often you eat them. For example, if you are having chicken or yogurt later that day, skip the eggs. Otherwise an egg or two in the morning can be part of a balanced breakfast!

Do you know what else is not off limits? Pancakes and waffles. Absolutely allowable when you use ingredients that support this healthy lifestyle. In a hurry and want a grab and go breakfast? The Mediterranean Diet can be convenient with just a little planning. What am I allowed to eat for breakfast? Olive Sunshine has 12 Mediterranean Diet Breakfasts that are unique and declicious that answers the quesstion.

# 1 – Crustless Sweet Potato Quiche

Crustless Sweet Potato Quiche
Sweet Potato Quiche

Crustless Sweet Potato Quiche is tasty, light and Mediterranean Diet compliant. Perfect to use for weekend prepping. If you are going to make one, it is just as easy to make two!

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