
Hiking the Lattari Mountains Discovering What is Important in Italy

Amalfi and Lattari Hiking Cover

Hiking the Lattari Mountains in Italy is often an unknown activity. It was for me. It is early March and I am in Italy, the Amalfi Coast more specifically. During the off-season, many tourist attractions and hotels are closed and will open in April, timed with Easter to kick off shoulder season. Visiting in the off season allowed us to experience the area in ways we have not in previous visits. Traveling in the off-season is not only WAY more affordable, it is also the perfect time to experience new activities.

A Tour Guide for Hiking

Due to the beauty of the Amalfi Coast many tourist don’t pay much attention to the mountains in which the picturesque villages and towns nestle. Recently, the area has become more popular in the cooler off-season. This is in large thanks to the air B&Bs and vacation rentals that became popular after Covid. In the off-season, tourists are beginning to appreciate hiking in the Lattari Mountains. The mountain region is known as Mounti Latteri to Italians. While not always necessary, the benefits of having a tour guide includes: not getting lost (big bonus), learning the history of the area, and having someone to point out easily missed elements.

Path of the Lemons

While the Path of the Gods is the best known trail, our tour guide Giovanni from Cartotrekking eludes to the fact that the name gives an unfair advantage. There are many beautiful paths and trails from which to choose. Ravello, one of the highest and most picturesque towns on the coast  affords fantastic views on the descent down. Staying in Ravello, the quaint seaside town of Amalfi is close by and on the to-do list to take Barbara, our friend here with us from the United States. It makes sense to choose the trail that connects the two, Ravello and Amalfi. The trail is called, the Path of Lemons and is listed as easy (seriously?), but I am not so sure. Giovanni was a saint (patient) and very kind and knowledgeable. I do recommend using his company if in need of a tour guide.

I am not a hiker, but one of my favorite activities on any vacation is to get outside and move. Olive Sunshine readers might  remember my post The Smoky Mountains Got Us Moving. After my Smoky Mountain trip, I vowed I would never again be so sedentary. Yes, I was PUBLICALLY committing to a more active lifestyle. I will simply say the struggle is real. My excuse is as a school district administrator in a post Covid world, I work long hours, and sit most of those hours staring at a screen (we don’t even have to walk to meetings any more).

Recommitting Myself to MOVING!!

Oh believe me, I have been fooling myself since then. “Carving out time”, to take aerial yoga at least once a week and lifting weights with a trainer a couple of times a week on Zoom. Adding a weekend walk-about with my Sweetheart hardly constitutes an active lifestyle. Rather, they are lame attempts to cram in some physical fitness in a amount of short time. Not only was hiking the Lattari Mountains more challenging than the ease of the Smoky-Mountains, we were LESS physically ready – WAY less! So here I am again, recommitting to being more active after seeing (and feeling) the error of my ways!

Hiking the Lattari Mountains on the Amalfi Coast

The hiking paths from Ravello to Amalfi include very steep stone steps that would be unforgiving on a tumble. If I were to do it again, it would be going uphill which I prefer. The 3.5 mile 2000 foot descent includes paved and unpaved areas. The unpaved is easier as the pounding on the hard stone is intense. While billed as an easy path, hiking any path in Lattari Mountains may be challenging for some. It sure was for us over-50-year-old flat-land-hikers-from-Florida. Tired, we had already toured Ravello on foot that morning with our guide. The day before we enjoyed a 7-mile walk around the Pompeii ruins and town. Therefore after the hike on the Path of the Lemons, a beautiful seaside lunch complete with cold Italian vino and a bus ride home was the perfect balance to end the day.

I loved having a good excuse to purchase a fun dress to throw on over hiking gear at the port in Amalfi. How could my Sweetheart complain?

Discovering What is Important

In the Amalfi Coast, there are many places you cannot access with a car. In fact, you will still see mules transporting heavy items up and down the mountains. During our 3.5 mile hike, we came across many locals walking up and down the stairways and paths. Most were not “hiking” in the Amalfi Coast. Instead these locals were just taking short cuts to the market or to visit a friend or family member. Giovanni pointed out the Nonnas, 80 and 90 year old women, still head up and down the steep pathways. Many do it several times a week to pick up needed items at the market.

Coming back from working on the wall. The mules worked hard that day in Praiano.

Feeling how sore we are on day four of these steep inclines and descents serves to remind me why the Mediterranean Diet is more than just delicious recipes. It is a complete lifestyle that aids one’s quality of life. A life in which aging is not something to dread but to celebrate.

In the end, I got more out of hiking the Lattari Mountains than just a day to get outside and move. Instead, I realized, possibly for the first time, there is a limit to how much I can neglect myself. I hope to have the best quality of life possible.

I am grateful to be on this Mediterranean Diet journey and feel fortunate to visit Italy again. Who knew that I would be discovering what is important while hiking in the Lattari Mountains in Italy! Fifty-two is better than I ever thought it could be and I want to help make 62 the same way!

Olive Sunshine
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