
Not an Expert – Yet, A Lesson Learned from My Sister

Not an expert - yet

Olive Sunshine is a month old. I am fairly sure I have already admitted in writing I am not an expert. The truth is I am not an expert at blogging or even cooking. The exact wording I try to use is I am not an expert – yet. I learned this phrase from my younger sister, Stephanie.

My sister, Stephanie, was born with a disability caused by having extra chromosomes, a condition known as Down Syndrome. My sister is probably one of the most headstrong, confident individuals you would ever meet. She lives in upstate New York in an assisted living facility. I like to take her out for a proper girls’ day. This usually includes having a ladies’ lunch, going to Starbucks and shopping. On one of our girls’ days she asked to go to a bookstore.

An Important Lesson Learned

My sister and I went to Barnes and Noble. I brought her to our usual section where we would shop for big colorful books. She told me she was a grown up now and wanted grown up books. Stephanie explained she needed large print to read the books. We located some teen romance novels with large-print, and she selected two hardback copies. Perplexed, I did not think Stephanie would enjoy these books. She assured me she would like it and said, “Let’s go” hiking her thumb to the exit. I asked her to give me a moment as I tried to find a book in the teen section. A book with pictures.

In three short minutes I hear, “Sunny Lamonica, please come to the front register and meet your party”. Yes, they were paging me over the loudspeaker. Lamonica is not my last name it is Stephanie’s. She was adopted as a child and insists I was adopted too. Stephanie always calls me Sunny Lamonica and corrects anyone who does not.

Walking to the front of Barnes and Noble hurriedly, I was filled with a mixture of worry and embarrassment. There is Stephanie standing with her arms crossed tapping her foot. She said, “Sunny Lamonica, my sister, I said we can go now”.  I said to the cashier as way of explanation I was trying to find a more suitable book for her. I turned and asked Stephanie if she could read the books she had selected. She breezily told me, “not yet”. We bought the books.

Not Knowing and Not Knowing – Yet

I have learned from the strength of my sister. It does not matter what you know today, you can learn it. If you are unable to learn it, have fun trying. I did not cook until almost 21 years old. It was not until my early 30s when I started hosting people for dinner at my house. It would be a few years later until I would see myself as someone who could cook. Looking back, I realize I have always been able to cook. It took me many years to realize there is a difference between not knowing and not knowing yet.

The Courage to Experiment with Cooking

On one fun Taco Tuesday, I had a couple of girlfriends over. One of my guests is a vegan and I was experimenting with a vegan nacho cheese. I was taking a risk as the cheese was a core component of the dish I was making. I had made nothing like that in my life. If the cheese did not work out, I had nothing else to pull out of my refrigerator as a substitute. In simplest words, the vegan cheese did not work. My refrigerator was bare. I was tempted to just order in a pizza. It was Taco Tuesday and I made Red Sangria. Pizza would not do. My vegan friend is a secret Taco Bell junkie. Could I grab Taco Bell? No, I would not serve my friends fast-food for dinner. That is the night Mediterranean Tostadas was born!

Easy Weeknight Dinner

No Guilt Mediterranean Tostadas is simple to throw together for a weeknight dinner. It is just as delicious as a Tapas for friends to share with a glass of Mediterranean friendly Sangria. My girlfriends and I ate the Mediterranean Tostadas with Mediterranean Diet friendly Red Sangria, Vegan Tzatziki, and a simple mixed green salad, topped with vinaigrette made with a simple Red Wine Lambrusco and Tuscan Olive Oil.

I may not be an expert yet, but I am having fun learning along the way. Like life, sometimes the best meals come as you are learning.

Olive Sunshine
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