
How to Master the Art of Cooking the Mediterranean Way

Mastering the art of cooking and eating the Mediterranean Way on the Mediterranean Diet

How to Master the Mediterranean Way of Life

My husband is quick to embrace the Mediterranean way of life whenever possible. His favorite thing about visiting Italy is the emphasis given to mealtime by the entire family. The main meal is eaten earlier in the day. Everything stops. The children do not eat lunch at school. After approximately five hours, they go home for the day. Most businesses and shops close in the later afternoon for a couple of hours. Everyone gathers to eat meals that involve planning and that are worthy of taking time to enjoy. After the meal, everyone takes a brief rest, and then the adults resume their business and work into the early evening. The world does not fall apart, even though people take the time to stop and eat together. They value taking time together to nourish their bodies with food that is beautiful and well prepared.

What would happen if cooking together, for the people you love, became the norm? Would meals be more appreciated if it meant time together as a family instead of an interruption of individual endeavors? Would it change the view if everyone had a part in the preparation. What if selecting the meal and ingredients could be a fun activity instead of a chore? If the meal is beautiful, can that lead to more enthusiam about eating it? In Italy, we saw families growing the food, choosing the menu, preparing the dishes and eating the mid-day meal -together. I think we American’s deserve this same type of nourishing togetherness. It may not happen all of the time, but more is usually better.

#4. Master the Art of Eating Together Like Mediterraneans

One way to Master the Mediterranean Diet emphasizes eating with others. The original name for this blog was going to be Sunny Table (more on why that did not work here). While I love the name Olive Sunshine, Sunny Table captures this element of togetherness perfectly. When thinking about what makes this diet so healthy, it is not just what you eat, but also who is at the table. Eating with others is a focus of the Mediterranean Diet. Taking time to enjoy eating with those we enjoy is a fundamental part of the diet. What could be more important than the food that nourishes our bodies? Why is watching television or scrolling on your phone more of a stress-reliever than creating a beautiful meal. When did creating a meal become work rather than enjoyment?

Loving the Mediterranean Diet

How did I master the art of eating while on the Mediterranean Diet? By finding passion in preparing food, by finding beauty in what I eat, involving my sweetheart in planning the menu and choosing the ingredients and by gathering at the table with those I love. I hope you also master the art of cooking and eating the mediterranean way.

Buon Appetito!


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